Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to make money from a blog? Another advertiser

Get Chitika | Premium

Want another way to turn page views into profits? Sign up with Chitika! It works a lot like Google's AdSense. Ads are super-targeted to the exact keywords that the user searched for in a search engine. Basically, if the user enter your blog or website by searching for "make money" in a search engine, Chitika Premium will generate targeted ads on making money! Users love this, right? Oh, and it's free to sign-up so just click on the link and start making more money today!


  1. I find the ads kind of annoying. The font is too large and distracts me from reading your stuff. And for some reason, it shows me magic tricks ads. Nonetheless, I signed up for it already.

  2. Try to make your blog the same font as your ads so they look less bothersome. This may increase they chance people would click in it =p.

  3. As long as the ads are not popping out or blocking the content on the screen, I do not find them annoying. Can't complain if they're giving me money!

  4. Thanks it has been a good guide, now to make money from a blog? another advertiser is without a doubt easy by using your information. Thanks
